Monday, November 11, 2019

Fashion Styles: Which one are you Today?

You feel confident, powerful, capable and above all happy when you wear your favorite clothes. Fashion makes you feel empowered. When you wear what makes you happy, there is a theory ( as seen here) that dopamine is released in your brain and gives you the same rush that a drug might give you. Which is the fashion style that makes you this happy that your therapist is out of a job! Let us dig out the different fashion styles before you find out which one you like the most.

Streetwear Style

This is an all-encompassing fashion style, that evolved from the streets. It originated from the Californian surf and skate culture. But today major designers, brands and influencers all have embraced this style and it is not confined to the streets anymore. It is the epitome of modern urban fashion.

Ethnic fashion style

This refers to clothing adopted completely or partially from traditional costumes of different nations. This includes but is not limited to the Mexican peasant blouses, Afghan coats, Japanese Kimonos, Tunics and Kaftans from the east, colorful bandanas from the gypsies that people all over the world have adopted as their own. True global fashion!

Formal Office Wear

Even for the casual dresser, who hardly thinks about clothes, “What to wear to the office, especially meetings and functions?” is a major dilemma. Formal office wear is a style that addresses this segment. This includes a tuxedo or a formal dark suit and matching tie for men and appropriate dresses, skirts, shirts, trousers for women. You may not be able to escape this section of fashion style if you want to shine in your office.


If you’re looking to get shredded and pack on massive muscle, you need to be strategic not only about the work your body puts out at the gym but also what goes in your body. There’s an overload of info out there about how to bulk up. No matter how basic or complex you prefer your regimen to be, here are the four daily supplements you don’t want to miss out on if you want to get ripped the right way.


If you’re trying to get big, all that extra mass has to come from somewhere. Your strength and power workouts go a long way toward fortifying your muscle mass, but if you’re after relentless gains, the fuel that nourishes your frame is key. Bulking up requires strategic caloric intake—you don’t want your workouts to slim you down if putting on weight is your goal. Whatever your personal intake range is, avid exercisers’ diets should contain about 1-1.5 grams of high-quality protein per each kilogram of body weight. Try bulking pills with or between meals to help you get the calories you need to convert into muscle gains. Most mass gainers include protein and creatine, which are key for both muscle rebuilding and muscle energy.


Fueling up for savage gains? You want to make sure all that sustenance is turning into the kind of shredded mass you want—which is toned muscle. Time put in at the gym is the number-one way to make this happen, but there are things that can maximize your efforts. Creatine is what helps your muscles do the hard work that makes them look and feel ripped. It makes and circulates adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is a compound that releases the quick bursts of intense energy you need for muscle contractions. This is critical during exercises like an all-out sprint or one-rep max. Taking at least three grams of creatine every day for about four weeks can lead to optimal levels of it in your muscles. Combine this with a resistance training regimen and, over time, you may see a noticeable increase in muscle mass and strength.


When you’re getting swole, you’re constantly pushing your body to the limit. That demands a lot from you. To keep your body in its healthiest form so you can keep hitting your goals, make sure you equip it with all of the essential vitamins and minerals it needs. Doing so will help ensure you are adequately nourished and feeling strong and ready for challenges. A multivitamin is the best way to fill the nutritional gaps you might overlook and taking one daily can help make sure your body is ready to bulk up and attain peak physical condition.


Feeling worn down and achy after all those reps? Even the highest caliber athletes deal with joint discomfort. Eating the right foods and taking the right supplements can provide support to your joints. Omega fatty acids contribute to mood, heart and joint health and support your body’s natural anti-inflammatory response. Experts recommend at least 500-1,000 milligrams of the key fatty acids EPA and DHA per week, which is equivalent to about 4-6 meals of fatty fish. Taking a daily fish oil supplement can help you meet those quantities as you work on your ripped, rock-hard physique.

Sunday, November 3, 2019


If you can’t get enough of movies, TV, music, and books, you’ve come to the right place. HelloGiggles has all the latest in entertainment news and pop culture you need to know—from upcoming movie releases, fan theories, and TV show spoilers, to behind-the-scenes Hollywood stories and inside celebrity scoop. We’ll answer your most burning questions about RiverdaleFriendsStranger Things, and more. Plus, we’ll keep you updated on all the best nostalgic TV reboots and brand-new recommendations you can’t miss.
While the list above reveals the most read arts articles of 2011, we asked The Independent's Deputy Arts Editor Alice Jones to pick what she felt was the story of the most important arts of the year.
Chinese police detain dissident artist Ai Weiwei at the airport
The most important art event of the year wasn't an exhibition opening, or a movie premiere, or a stadium gig, it was the vanishing of one man. In April, the dissident Chinese artist Ai Weiwei was arrested at Beijing airport on trumped-up charges of "economic crimes", and disappeared.
He remained imprisoned in secret for 81 days, during which time he was interrogated some 50 times. The treatment of the internationally acclaimed artist, best known for filling the Tate Modern's Turbine Hall with eight million porcelain sunflower seeds, provoked extraordinary scenes of outrage at arts institutions across the globe, and angry outpourings on the internet. The fight to free Ai Weiwei united and mobilised the art world like no other story in a year filled with protests and political upheavals.
Long a thorn in the side of the Chinese government, Ai has now become a potent symbol, both of China's creative potential and its human rights abuses. The authorities may have tried to silence him - and indeed, they continue to persecute him with extortionate tax bills and pornography accusations - but the story is now bigger than one man. Whatever happens in 2012, his art and legions of supporters will ensure that his voice is heard.